Summertime allows us to find local, seasonal produce that elevates your health to optimal levels!

Eating “in season” means choosing produce that comes to harvest or is naturally acclimated to being picked and locally grown. “Seasonal” has become another healthy food term like “organic” or “non-GMO”.

Fruits and vegetables in season are sweeter, juicier and more nutrient-dense. As soon as a plant is harvested, it begins to deteriorate. Enzymes within the plant begin to break it down as soon as it is picked, thus decreasing the nutrient content. If plants are transported across the world they lose their nutrient quality.  Studies have shown that when comparing in season broccoli to out of season broccoli (which is internationally shipped) the broccoli in season had twice the Vitamin C content! (  2008 Feb;59(1):34-45.)

“It’s clear that eating seasonal produce is the best option—allowing you to support your local economy and community, your wallet, and your health all at once. You can learn more about seasonal foods in your region by using Seasonal Food Guide, an online source for discovering local, in-season foods,” according to DR Mark Hyman, Functional Medicine Specialist.

In addition, one of the best ways to eat “seasonal” is to shop at the local Farmers Markets- see the link below for your markets: