Are You Ready To Finally Feel Better?
Are You Ready To Transform Your Health In The Next 10 Days?

Why Golden Center?
After years of seeing this happen with his patients, Dr. Golden wanted to open a Center that not only helped patients improve their overall sense of wellness, but also give them the tools to continue their progress “infinitely,” or long after they have left the clinic for good.

What Makes Us Different Than Other Health Clinics?

Our Unique Approach to Improving Your Gut Health

Our Philosophy On Functional and Integrative Medicine
Meet Our Team
An integral part of Golden Center’s approach is a collaborative relationship between our team and the patient. Our team serves as the guide, helping our patients create health.
Vitamin D and the Pandemic
Learn about the role of Vitamin D and your immune health.
Smart Immunity: How Diet and Lifestyle Can Keep You Healthy
Hi again from the Golden Center- It's been almost six weeks we have been in the "stay-at-home" paradigm. So many people are seeing weight gain due to inactivity, stress, poor sleep and lack of nutrition. It's easy to choose processed, low nutrient foods, and binge...
The Magic of Sleep
Dr Golden shares the importance of good sleep for your overall health and strategies you can implement tonight to improve your sleep!
Homeopathy and the Pandemic
Dr. Golden talks about the use of Homeopathy during the pandemic.
Laughter is Good Medicine
You've heard the saying that "Laughter is good medicine". Dr. Golden shares the science which shows it's more than just a saying!
Dealing With Anxiety Caused By Covid-19
Dr. Golden shares a message about dealing with anxiety from the global pandemic.
Are You Ready To Transform Your Health In The Next 10 Days?
In Our Patients Own Words…
Take The First Step On Your Journey Back To Health
Maybe you have some questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision on becoming a patient. Our patient coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to see whether or not Golden Center is right for you.